I have it. Again. Gestational Diabetes. I know it could be MUCH worse news, given that my family has definitely dealt with more serious health news recently, so this is peanuts, really. I'm just disappointed and need to vent a little. I was told by many that I can dodge it this time around if I eat right and exercise (which I have ALWAYS done), but it looks like my genetics are so deep with this, I really can't dodge it. Both of my grandmothers have/had borderline Type 2 Diabetes later in life, so there you go.
It's frustrating. REALLY frustrating. I've always eaten healthy and have learned so much more about nutrition on top of all that I already know. I've always exercised and we bought an elliptical machine for this cause, too! Oh well. It makes me a bit anxious for what my future health will be with this.
Oh well. I've done it once before, I know how to do it again, and it's just yet another kick of motivation to keep a healthy lifestyle, right?
Onward I go!