Thursday, September 25, 2008

Hither and Thither

Here are just a few things that we've been up to lately (minus the painting, putting up shelves, bean-picking, tomato-picking, etc, etc):

Visiting my grandma in her new digs... and Ben taking to her immediately... a real treat for us all!

Playing at my parent's house in the early stages of Fall


AnnaMarie said...

Do people besides our Bixel/Heiks clan that say Hither and Thither? Sometimes I say Hither and Thither and Yon.

Then Ben is TOO CUTE!!!

Claire said...

I think it's an actual saying... and I've even hear Grover say it! :) HOW funny is THAT?!?!

Our family, however, DOES have an extreme amount of strange sayings. I can't tell what's just us or Swiss or normal!
