Anyhow, we both keep blogs and we were just saying how there's NOTHING to write about since... well... it's still cold outside. There's still a ton of snow on the ground. We're still stuck inside and don't leave the house all that often. Our creative energy is waring a little thin these days. Period.
So, here are the exciting things that have been going on in our lives that don't have to do with the weather:
1. We found out a few weeks ago we're having a girl! I know, I know, there are those of you out there that think "Well, it's not 100% with a girl," but we drilled my OB after our ultrasound and she said that she never sees mistakes unless it's twins (and still that's very rare). She also said that if the technician wasn't for sure, she wouldn't say anything. So. We're charging forward with anticipating a daughter at the end of May! Marc and I can't agree on a name, but he's getting closer to my side. I often remind him that I'm doing all the work making this baby, so my vote counts for more. :) (By the way, she's a cute little thing! I tried scanning a picture, but the scanner wasn't cooperating.)
2. Here is what Ben made in art class today... a bus! He's getting the hang of going to this class and doing projects, but it's a work in progress. He likes to explore around the room in search of materials that we're NOT using, which makes it challenging to complete his project. This class is so great for kids his age! The teacher is very relaxed, understands where 2.5-3yr olds are at developmentally, doesn't pressure, anything goes... and it helps that the parents are right there, too, of course.
3. Marc, bless his heart, painted our downstairs bathroom! He does NOT like painting and we've given it a long break since painting our whole first floor this past summer. I would have liked to have helped, but the scent from the paint was too much and unhealthy for me since I'm pregnant. Ben and I kept our distance and it didn't take long since it's a tiny space to begin with. It was just a royal pain to do. We also put in new light fixtures, towel hook, and toilet paper thingy. We feel very civilized compared to what was previously in there.
4. I'm just starting a GREAT book, Marley and Me. (I KNOW I'm suppose to underline titles of books, but I can't figure out HOW with Blogger... am I missing something???). If you love dogs and especially labs, this is a must. read. I grew up with always having a black lab and am thoroughly enjoying this book so far. Marc didn't grow up with any pets, but a plethora of larger neighboring animals such as cows, horses, mules, etc, etc. It's a new concept for him to think about having a pet in the house and we agreed that when our kids are older, we'll get a dog. Let's just say, I won't have him read this book. :)
Winter is (slowly) chugging on!
Looks like the people on the bus go up and down... so glad for this fun, fun story today! So glad to see you all in just 16 days!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats on the baby girl AND the bathroom! Wonderful news! And you know we have a FABULOUS dog already trained, innoculated, loved up and ready to go for you!
I hope I get to meet your camp this year?
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