This past week we took a trip out east to visit Marc's family. It was a week full of splashing in the kiddy pool and sprinkler with the cousins, playing with Amish neighbors, and snacking on fresh peas from the garden. I mean, need we say more? Let's just say that Marc had it good growing up.
We also took a mini trip to visit our old stomping grounds in Washington, DC. It was great to connect with my school kids who affectionately greeted me and soaked in Ben's smiles and high fives. We escaped the 100 degree heat (no joke!) by checking in early to our SH-MAN-CY hotel with crisp white sheets and marble table/countertops and bathroom flooring. Ahhhh. Promptly, Ben hopped on one of the beds and fell into the mountain of pillows. Marc and I took turns going out with friends while Ben could stay happily playing in the pool. Not a bad plan, eh?
Our time in DC felt like coming back home. So much of how I view education and real life is based on what I experienced in DC. There's a tug to go back and be a part of all that again. It was very special to me that the class that I taught the last year I was there, wanted to spend so much time with me and remembered the fun things we did their year in second grade. They remembered Marc coming on field trips and we called him "Mr. Hot Dog." They talked about the songs we sang and the books we read. After being home with Ben and having my teaching career at a standstill, it just about brought me to tears to know that I really did touch these kids and they remember our year together with fondness.
Anyway, we're back after surviving a few long flights and experiencing a cooler 20 degree difference. It's back to packing up our house and rocking our world this next week once again.
good for you.
i would love a sh-man-cy hotel right now.
even crisp sheets would do.
take care these days!
so glad you had a good time and a much needed break. good luck with the move! i wish i could come help.
Sooooooooooooooooo glad our whole family - a grand total of eleven - could all be together for many parts of four days this last weekend. Coming from Nairobi, Kenya... Lancaster City PA... Madison WI... and Bird In Hand PA... I was proud that most of the time many could bend to blend... a great accomplishment with the high heat and high humidity.
Smile.... I am now dreaming of family time for 2009. Well, while some are in the midst of toddler pressures I keep learning how to be a grandparent as the miles too often separate us. After spending lots of time in both camps I find writing, journaling, blogging, phoning... these all are great helps and step by step we will find our way.
PA Grandma
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