Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Saving Moments

When life gets overly tiring and stressful, there are also those moments that make me stop and laugh a bit. This child of mine is at an age where just about anything he does is worth recording.

Here are just a few:

I discovered Ben in this moving box singing to himself with giggles every so often. He was feeling mighty clever to have hidden himself so well!

Apparently when I lifted the flaps, I made the party stop. Oops!

Ben will make a tower out of anything that is stackable--blocks, bulky books, play-doh containers, tupperware, etc. Banana slices apparently fall into that category as well!


kristin said...

oh, joy is noticed.

take care these days!

Katie B said...

I absolutely LOVE that first picture!

Claire said...

I know... isn't it such a hoot?