I now understand why just about every mother would bring up bits and pieces of their labor stories at birthday gatherings.
"I told dad, 'don't get supper yet, I know she's coming soon this time!'"
Or how LONG women were in labor.
"Oh, back in those days, they would let you go for ever and ever!"
Well, it's the eve of Ben's second birthday and I can't help but think what I was doing 2 years ago to. the. very. second. The anticipation. The pain. The decisions to make. The excitement. The exhaustion. The everything.
Working that hard has never felt so good.
Tomorrow will be the celebration for Ben's birth, but today I'm celebrating our teamwork, dedication and gift of being able to do something this amazing.
Amen to that! I consistently rejoice that we reconnected at such momentous events in our lives, and marvel at the proximity of our childrens' births.
Happy birthday, Ben!
Happy anniversary, Claire!
great post! thanks for the wonderful reminder. this third time around, i am finally feeling genuinely relaxed and excited about the birth.
congrats to all of you for the birth and the two years to follow and the wonderful boy you've produced!
happy birth day to you all.
Beautiful. Why is it that I (still) don't tire of telling birth stories -- nor do I tire of hearing them. Something about the struggle, the commitment, the most obvious "labor" you will give to your child, the first gift, the "I did this, just so I could get YOU" statement. I love pregnancy and birth stories.
And by the way, even though I've been checking in on your blog, I know you're married, and have a toddler child, somehow just SEEING a picture of you pregnant, remembering we were probably 10 or so when we first met... really made me think how "grown up" we've all become. Scary.
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