This spring and summer are going to be MUCH different than last year in terms of Ben's ability to play and move around. Recently, Ben has taken a real liking to his bike that we got for him last August for his first birthday. Over the year, he would sit on it and ring the bell, but didn't REALLY get into it like we thought he would. His cousin actually took much more interest in it and she's much too big for it, but Ben had fun chasing her around the house, nonetheless. Hey, whatever! Just a different kind of fun with the bike, right?
Now that it's (dare I say) summer-like out, Ben has discovered the joy of having a bike. Not only does he pretty much obsess being outdoors with it, he has mastered his footwork, turning corners, and ringing his bell to tell the cat to get out of the way! Needless to say, this is all quite entertaining! All we need to master next is the concept of breaking.
(By the way, Ben insisted on wearing his winter hat during the shorts-wearing day! Needless to say, he played so hard that he soon took it off. We were just amused that he wanted it on to begin with... of course.)
Wow, he is growing so fast!
Jen CD
i saw his hat and assumed it was still cold enough for it there! cute story.
Oh I love that bike! Isn't the weather just the berries!?
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