These three boys see each other almost every morning (or just about). The parents enjoy swapping toddler stories/advice, sip coffee and have pleasant adult conversation. These three boys don't really interact with each other yet unless someone wants the same toy or wants to give a hug (or should I say headlock?). They observe each other's whereabouts and copycat sometimes. They want to eat the same snack, even if they don't normally like it. Of course, this is extremely entertaining for the parent spectators!
We have been very fortunate to have found these friends after moving to Madison. Ben and I spent a good chunk of time last year in Wausau searching for little friends/parents that we could connect with at library programs, arranged play groups, churches, neighborhood parks, etc, etc, etc, ... and nothing! Nothing clicked. I've never been able to NOT connect with anyone before. It was strange. It was a lonely, lonely year.
Now we're in Madison, bike paths connect our houses, parks with people who are looking for friendship, and we love it! This year compared to last year is like night and day and we are very. very. thankful.
i'm so happy you've found a socially satisfying place. you've always been such the little social butterfly -- always easing whatever social dynamics there are!
I am sooooo thrilled for you!!
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