We took a spontaneous trip to a suburb of Chicago to do some snooping around the Crate and Barrel Outlet (talk about some serious self-control in action!) and to pop in on my grandma for an afternoon/evening visit.
She is such a dear! I love my grandma. She's a loving mother of 6, has stories of growing up during the Depression, will beat anyone at Boggle and Scrabble by leaps and bounds, she's hilarious, is gracious and non-judgmental, humble, giving, has been the strength for my grandpa who died of a long battle with cancer 11 years ago, etc, etc, ... the list goes on. I often think of her as such a role model for what I want to be when I grow up. She has faced some very difficult situations in her life and has handled them dignity, grace, and love.
She is amazing.
We had a great time with her yesterday. Ben was a little shy at first, but he was rubbing noses, getting cozy in her chair, and showing off in no time. I hope, hope, hope Ben is old enough to remember these moments.
I'm thinking we'll go back to rub noses and cuddle in chairs again soon. This was so much fun.
here here! cheers to grandma mitchell!
You needs to tell us when you're in town!! :)
I'm dreaming of some upcoming days in which I will get to share more time with Grandma Mitchell. For today I am soooooooo glad the three of you got to see her in her IL home. Maybe next spring I can meet you in Chicago IL and then together we can visit her. Still dreaming... with love and prayers, Your PA Mother
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